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Gin 1689 wins Silver at the USA Spirits Ratings

Gin 1689 wins Silver at the USA Spirits Ratings

Gin 1689 is proud to announce our 1689 Dutch Pink Gin wins Silver at the 2023 edition of the prestigious USA Spirits Ratings.

The judges were very impressed and described the pink gin as a delightful pink gin with strong honeysuckle and strawberry aromas, delicate complexity, and floral notes. The palate features strawberry and gelato candy flavors, followed by pear, berry, and citrus notes on the nose.

Sharing his news, founder Alexander Janssens of Gin 1689, states “The USA is an important market for Gin 1689 and winning Silver in this competitor market place makes us immensely proud!"

The USA Spirits Ratings are the awards selecting the very best in all internationally recognized styles of gin. Presented by Beverage Trade Network, the USA’s no.1 trade body for drinks professionals, the USA Spirits Ratings select, reward and promote the world’s best gins to consumers and trade across the USA.

About 1689 Dutch Pink Gin:

Based on the very same recipe as the Authentic Gin 1689, in historic times they would mix this spirit with bruised strawberries and raspberries, hence, creating the world’s first pink gin or cocktail.

Reduced in alcoholic strength to 38.5%, this first Dutch Pink Gin has a red fruity nose and blends well with the spiciness of the original gin. A 100% sugar-free pink gin, which is fantastic to drink during the summertime and amazing to use in cocktails.

Perfect Serve:

Mediterranean-style tonic, lots of ice served with sliced strawberries and raspberries as garnish.

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