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Gin 1689 wins Gold at The Gin Masters

Gin 1689 wins Gold at The Gin Masters

Gin Masters Gold 2018

1689 Dutch Dry Gin, which is based on a Three-century-old gin recipe dating back from the time that William of Orange the Third, introduced gin to the British population and the gin craze started; wins gold in the super premium segment at The Gin Masters 2018.

The annual Gin Masters are being organised by the prestigious Spirits Business based in London, UK.

Alexander Janssens, one of the founders of Gin 1689 is very proud of this result; “Of the more then 500 entrees it’s amazing to win gold with so much competition” Janssens continues “this confirms already what we know, that the liquid is of very high quality”!

Tasting notes from The Gin Masters: ‘’Gin1689 beautifully combines juniper with dried quince and pippin (apple), lemon and orange peel, nutmeg, aniseed and clove. It is a Juniper forward, fairly classic nose with attractive floral, citrusy aromas and faint aniseed. It has a distinctive floral, lightly bready with good piney juniper and nutty notes, again with subtle spices of cloves, nutmeg and aniseed. A gin with a very well-balanced and overall smooth finish’’.

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