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Gin 1689 receives amazing 91 points at the IWSC 2020 awards

Gin 1689 receives amazing 91 points at the IWSC 2020 awards

With 91 points out of a possible 100, Gin 1689 wins the silver medal at the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC). This is an amazing result especially given that there are more then 800 participants and the tasting process is one of the most rigorous within the industry.

IWSC uses the ‘double-blind’ method, where samples are tasted in pre-poured numbered glasses to ensure the experts never see a bottle. All spirits submitted to IWSC were tasted blind by carefully assembled panels of experts, with each spirit tasted individually, and then thoroughly discussed by the panellists. All spirits scoring 90 and above (including Gin 1689) were re-tasted by the Judging Committee for the final confirmation, and to ensure consistency across the tasting.

Please find out more about the IWSC scoring system.

Tasting notes from the IWSC: "Richly resinous and roundly aromatic herbal notes of juniper and cooling pine entice. A clean, vibrant citrus palate is well balanced by a satisfying long finish."

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